Plumbing Services Cleish: To carry out plumbing repairs and installations

Cleish Electrical Services: Kitchen and bathroom elctrics, outside lights and rewiring

Cleish Block Paving: Paved and concreted drives for decorative access and parking

Interior Decorating: Decorating bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens & halls

Tiling Cleish: Tiles on electrical underfloor heating systems, kitchen and bathroom tiling

Cleish Builders: Planning application to construction, building services Cleish

Cleish Carpentry & Joinery: Door hanging, skirting board fitting and general joinery

Bathroom and Kitchen Fitters: Units installed, appliances plumbed and wired, complete installation & tiling

Plastering Services & Patch Repair: Home repairs and renovation from living room to bedroom Cleish

Television Networks Cleish: Multiroom aerial installation and satellite systems

Fire & Boiler Heating Systems: Baxi, Vaillant, Ideal and most boilers installed, serviced and repaired

Roofers Cleish Roof repairs, roof tiles stripped and replaced, dormer windows fitted, chimney repointing

Flooring Cleish all kinds of flooring materials layed & fitted

Gardener Cleish for garden maintenance and landscaping projects

Windows & Doors Replacment window frames, glazing units and doors

Locksmith Cleish Replacment door and window security locks

Drain Cleaning Cleish clearing blocked drains and checking drainage pipes for cracks

UK Motorhome Hire Rent a camper van or motorhome near Cleish

valeting & upholstery cleaning Cleish: Vehicle cleaning inside and out

Repair and Maintenance

For Example:
Kitchen Installation
Bathroom Fitting
Boiler Repairs

Cleish Tradesmen

Home Maintenance Services Cleish

  • Cleish Television Services

    TV Networks for TV in Every Room

    Television Aerial and Digital TV Cleish: sky digital remote controls, foreign satellite receivers, wireless surround sound, plasma tv, coaxial cables & universal tv remote controls Cleish

    Aerial & Satellite Cleish
  • Cleish Plasterer

    Plaster Skimming, Patch Repairs & Renovation

    Ceiling & Wall Plastering Cleish: applying concrete screed over underfloor heating, interior plaster being water damaged, interior lime washing, drywalling projects, different plaster coats not bonding & moisture resistant plasterboard installation Cleish

    Plasterer Cleish
  • Electrical Services Cleish

    Rewiring, 1st Fix & 2nd Fix Electricals Cleish:

    Extra electrical outlets fitted and homes rewired in Cleish: wiring up home cinema equipment, electric sockets that aren't working are being fixed, tripping fuse boxes are being fixed, fixing extractor fans in cooker hoods, installation of integrated kitchen appliances & rewiring properties undergoing modernisation Cleish

    Cleish Electrical Services

Refurbishment Cleish

  • Painting & Decorating Cleish

    Painting, Varnishing, Paint Effects & Wallpapering

    Painter and Decorator Cleish water-proof wallpapers, staining furniture, moisture proof wallpapers, wallrock lining paper0, vinyl wallpapers & commercial interior design Cleish

    Cleish Painting & Decorating
  • Tilers Cleish

    Kitchen & Bathroom Tiling

    Kitchen & Bathroom Tiling Services Cleish: chipping away existing tiles to prepare walls for retiling, retiling halls with quarry tiles, textured non-slip floor tiles, using plywood to create level floor surfaces prior to tiling, fitting plywood boxing over kitchen pipes and tiling over & replacing grout between bathroom tiles Cleish

    Cleish Tiling Services
  • Cleish Plumbing Services

    Kitchen & Bathroom Installation

    Plumbing repairs, maintenance & Installation Cleish fitting regular boilers, septic tank installation, repairing broken toilet flushes, connecting freestanding baths, linking underfloor heating systems to central heating & tap fitting Cleish

    Cleish Plumber

Cleish Property Maintenance
